The Editor
The New Patent and Market Courts
The developments of intellectual property in Finland 2016–2018
The developments of intellectual property in Norway 2016–2018
The New Danish Act on Trade Marks
Competent court according to the Finnish Act on Trade secrets – an unusual solution
The fourth industrial revolution and intellectual property rights
Future evolutions for attorneys in intellectual property
The Editor
The position of intellectual property rights in Danish bankruptcy law
Legal protection of the license agreement and the scope of the protection in the case of the patent holder’s bankruptcy
The International Development of IP Law During the second part of 2018. From politics to high politics
From the annals of Norwegian copyright
Danish cases
A comment on the judgement of the Maritime and Commercial High Court, case V-17-17 of May 3 2018
The Editor
What amounts to ”reasonable remuneration” for an employee’s invention according to the Norwegian Mediation Board?
How effective are the Enforcement Rules in the Norwegian Copyright Act?
A comment on the judgement of the Danish Supreme Court of October 30th 2017 (UfR 2018.516H). Is public playback of CDs and music downloaded to the user’s device a communication to the public or a public performance?
The international development of intellectual property during the first half of the year 2019
The Norwegian Patent Act’s rules on exclusive legal venue: To what extent are entitlement cases covered?
Robot or human being – does it matter? A study of the requisite for human creation within copyright in light of creative artificial intelligence
Finnish Copyright Caselaw 2010–2018, part I
The right of information in article 8 IPRED in Swedish case law
Norwegian Case Law
Swedish Case Law
Some reflections in relation to the Wellington-case before the Swedish Patent and Market Court of Appeal