The WIPO Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge
New Provisions on Reuse of Protected Data Held by Public Authorities
Is the Patent and Market Court of Appeal a court of final instance in the area of intellectual property law?
Copyright protection for fictional characters and concepts
The Editor
The ability of the seller to disclaim liability for third-part rights and claims based on intellectual property
The Editor
The Editor
Some supplementary reflections on the impact of EU law on Nordic cooperation in the field of copyright
The Editor
The Editor
New Standards for Collective Management in the Information Society
Extended Collective Licenses in a Cross-Border Context
Contributory Liability for Copyright Infringement – Especially in the Online Environment
The European Court of Justice has interpreted the criterion of originality and the exception for certain temporary acts of reproduction - Infopaq
The subject matter for the data base protection in light of new preliminary rulings from the European Court of Justice
Moral rights protection for the reputation and individuality of the author. Some observations on account of NJA 2008 p. 309 (Commercial breaks)
The report about copyright at the Internet
The European Court interprets the notion of communication to the public
Interpretation of sec. 49 of the Swedish Copyright Act in conformity with the EC data base directive. A comment and analysis of NJA 2005 p. 924