The international development of intellectual property during the first half of the year 2021. A time of recovery but intellectual property rights are at the center of discussions
The development of international intellectual property during 2020. Intellectual property in the time of the pandemic
International intellectual property developments during second half of 2019 – Work orientation for the next two years determined
The international development of intellectual property during the first half of the year 2019
The International Development of IP Law During the second part of 2018. From politics to high politics
The international development of intellectual property during the first half of the year 2018
The International Development of IP Law During the second part of 2017
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2017. Progress, but no Breakthrough
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the Second Half of Year 2016. A (Faint) Light in the End of the Tunnel?
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2016. Animated Meeting Activity but Little Actual Progress
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the Second Half of Year 2015. When a day and a Night has more than 24 Hours
The International Development of Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2015: The Legitmacy of the WIPO Questioned
The international development of international intellectual property law in the second half of year 2014. no actual changes but a positive atmosphere in some fields
The Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2014. The Climate Hardens Again
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the Second Half of Year 2013. Times of Expectation
The Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2013. Great Progress
The International Development of IP Law During the second part of 2012. Great Progress, but uncertainties about the Results
The International Development of International Intellectual Property Law in the First Half of Year 2012. Some Progress, but Where are we Going?
The International Development of IP Law During the second part of 2011. A light in the End of the Tunnel
The international development of intellectual property law in the first half of year 2011. A mixed picture with several positive elements
The international development of intellectual property law in the second half of 2010. A divided picture
The international development of intellectual property law in the first half of year 2009. Some surprising progress but also major setbacks
The international intellectual property in the second half of 2009. A meltdown, but perhaps not
The international development of intellectual property law in the first half of year 2009. progress and failure
The international intellectual property law in the second half of year 2008. The storm abates (somewhat)
International intellectual property developments during the first half of 2008. Continued drama but also some breakthroughs
Intellectual property developments during the second part of 2007. More turbulence than usual (that is saying a good deal)
The intetrnational intellectual property law during the first half year of 2007. Finally in the poitical seat of honour
International intellectual property developments during the second half of 2006
International intellectual property developments during the first half of 2006. Crises and successes, mostly crises
The international intellectual property during the end of 2005
The Swedish intellectual property development cooperation with the developing countries. The industrial property protection
The international development during the first half of 2005
Development co-operation in the intellectual property domain. The Swedish experiences
The international development. The WIPO Development Agenda. Great clashes of interest regarding the future development of the international intellectual property
International developments. WIPO’s Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights, its 12th Session. Controversies on the increase
The international development – increased criticism against the intellectual property system
The fall and rise of copyright
International developments – about radio- and television broadcasts and sanctions
The international development. Clouds over the World Trade Organization and the TRIPs Council’s meeting in March 2004
Chinese copyright – latest developments
The international development at the WIPO General Assembly 2003. An illustration to the intellectual property crisis
The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genectic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC). The moment of truth draws near
The international development within WIPO
Intellectual property’s new domains: genetic resourses, traditional knowledge and folklore. The third session of the relevant WIPO Interstate Committee. General remarks about the work of the Committee
A new actor in the political arena. The panels of the WTO
International developments
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The People's Republic of China and International Copyright Law
Collective Administration of Copyright
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The Reform of the International Copyright System – II
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The Reform of the International Copyright System
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