The reform of the Danish judiciary system
International intellectual property developments during the second half of 2006
Danish cases
Illicit transmission of musical works on the Internet. A commentary to the Supreme Court’s decision of February 10, 2006 No. 90
Swedish cases
The Editor
The indirect product protection
The notion of public in relation to the performance of copyright protected musical works in associations and on working sites
The European Court interprets the notion of communication to the public
Measurments about the confusion at reading text-based distinctive marks as a supplement to evaluations of ability to confuse
Finnish cases
Paternity right and a new stage-name. A commentary to the Finnish Supreme Court’s decision 2005:92
Finnish cases
Christmas carrolls in churchs and copyright. A commentary to the Finnish Supreme Court’s decision 2006:12
Finnish cases
Notice of non-compliance. A commentary to the Finnish Supreme Court’s decision 2005:105
Swedish cases
Passing off and unfair advantage of the reputation of a competitor as viewed by the Market Court. A commentary to its decision 2006:19 (Vi)
Unanswered questions about patents on computer related inventions and business methods
Border crossing patent suits in the light of recent community law – a comment on the decisions of the EC-court in the cases C-4/03 (GAT) and C-539/03 (Roche)
Finnish cases
Swedish cases
Parody, satire, travesty – infringement or violation? A comment on NJA 2005 p. 905 (Alfons Åberg)
Recent Norwegian intellectual property court decisions about claims regarding unjust enrichment
sag C-281/05) (Application of trade mark law to goods in transit. The EU Court's decision in the case Montex Holding Ltd. v. Diesel S.p.A. (C-281/05)
The intetrnational intellectual property law during the first half year of 2007. Finally in the poitical seat of honour
Danish cases
A commentary on the decision of the Supreme Court of October 14, 2005 (UfR 2006.190H) and November 25, 2005 (UfR 2006.612H)
Danish cases
A commentary on the decision of the Maritime Commercial Court of February 24, 2006 (the Ofir decision) I. Are the Nordic catalogue rules in contravention of the data base directive?
A commentary on the decision of the Maritime and Trade Court of February 24, 2006 (the Ofir decision) II. Do databases about housing conditions fall outside the scope of data base protection or may protection be supplemented by the Marketing Practices Act?
The protection of trade names in the practice of the Swedish Patent and Registrations Office and some questions about its examination of prior rights
Accessibility right – copyright. Will the Copyright Act bar public access by electronic means to public documents
Regulating publishers’ contracts in the Copyright Act
Danish cases
A commentary to the Danish Supreme Court case UfR 2005 p. 1438.H (Tivoli)
Danish cases
Domain names in the Danish Supreme Court. A commentary to UfR 2005 p. 3262 (digiytal Marketing Support) and UfR 2007 p. 1857. H (UPS)
Swedish cases
The means of prohibiting unreasonable conditions in agreements about commissioned musical works. A commentary to MD 2006:30 p. 509
Swedish cases
Entitlement problems in Danish law about damages and penalties in cases of infringement of EC-design and EC trade marks
Finnish cases
Trade marks as part of the language and without distinctive character. A comment on HD 2005:118 (NIR 2007 p. 289)
Loyalty and the limits of trade mark protection. A comment on HD 2006:17 (NIR 2007 p. 303)
Norwegian cases
Swedish cases