BMW, Volvoservice, and a Stream of Monographs on Trademark Law
Public Art Less Public. A Comment to The Decision by the Swedish Supreme Court of 4 April 2016 (NJA 2016 s. 212)
On the Functions of Trade Marks. A comment to the decision by the Swedish Supreme Court of 9. July 2014 (T 301/12) (Mon.Zon)
Shall the Trade Mark Law be Lead by the Moral of the Judges, or by a Traditional Intellectual Property Thinking?
The importance of thinking in terms of law and economics. Reflections on the review by Marianne Levin of Thomas Riis, Enerettiheder og vederlagsrettigheder
Swedish cases
Trade mark law borders at the borders. Comments to the decision of the Supreme Court 1 April 2005 (Volvo)
Law, technique and the future of ideas