The Unitary Patent and the Unitary Patent Court (UPC) in a Nordic View
Swedish Case Law
Extensive Interpretation of Exception Rules – the Solution of Jurisdction Problems in Transborder Infringements? A Comment to the Decision by the Swedish Supreme Court of 4. July 2012 (Tylden)
Swedish Case Law
Swedish Case Law
Swedish case law
Swedish case law
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Efficient handling of disputes about parallell infringements? A commentary on NJA 2007 p 287
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Border crossing patent suits in the light of recent community law – a comment on the decisions of the EC-court in the cases C-4/03 (GAT) and C-539/03 (Roche)
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Swedish cases
Do domain names qualify as property for a choice of jurisdiction?