The author’s duty of loyalty
The relationship between intellectual property law and rules on unfair commercial practices in the Swedish Patent and Market Courts
Commentary on the Danish Supreme Court’s judgment in the Ørsted case
Finnish Copyright Caselaw 2010–2018, part ii
In a rental car, the Court of Justice of the European Union runs over Sweden’s concept of communication to the public
Case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union
Danish case law
Clothing as protectable subject matter
“Together separately” – Co-existence of trade marks and older distinctive marks applicable to particular localities
Finnish Copyright Caselaw 2010–2018, part III
Norwegian case law
The Editor
Musical sampling as a user’s right in EU law
Methods for determining intellectual property damages
Swear words, the royal family and works of art – trademarks contrary to public policy or accepted principles of morality
Patent settlements in a competition law grey zone
The international development of intellectual property during the first half of the year 2021. A time of recovery but intellectual property rights are at the center of discussions
Substitution and preference harm: An alternative understanding of the loss categories lost sales and market interference
Copyright protection for fictional characters and concepts
Rights to use industrial data (non-personal data) held by others for developing AI-services – an overview
Joint works - Copyrighted works prepared jointly by two or more authors
Artificial intelligence and intellectual property – Some reflections from the Swedish Intellectual Property Office