Not just for fun – the Doctrine of Parody in Danish Copyright Law
Quotation of images and single frames from films
The specialty principle and music publishing agreements
National Treatment and Material Reciprocity in Copyright: International Points of Attachment and Reservations after the RAAP Decision
Does the use of images of applied art in advertising require permission under copyright law? Or is it permitted by exceptions external to copyright legislation?
Danish case law
Copyright Developments in Denmark 2017–2019
A Service Check of the Danish Copyright Act under EU Law. How Far is the Actual Reach of ”Danish copyright”?
When is music performance in dance classes public? Do the Nordic or EU criteria apply? The Danish Supreme Court decision of 30 October 2017 on music performance in educational associations
The Danish Copyright Act of 1960 in an international environment
International tendencies in copyright developments
International developments
International developments, WIPO
Collective Administration of Copyright in the Nordic Countries and Europe
Copyright in Pictures
Copyright Protection of Photos? English Summary