Articles by Peter Schønning

Hvordan rettighedshavernes vederlag efter Marrakesh-direktivet blev fastsat i Danmark | NIR 3/2024

How the Rightsholders’ Remuneration Under the Marrakesh Directive Was Decided in Denmark

Implementering af DSM-direktivet i Norden | NIR 1/2020

Transposition of the DSM directive in the Nordic countries

Problemstillingen vedrørende grænseoverskridende aftalelicens | NIR 6/2017

The Problem of Cross-Border Extended Collective Licensing

Ophavsretten i det digitale indre marked | NIR 4/2017

Copyrigt Protection in the Single Market

EU-Domstolens praksis om begrebet ”overføring til et nyt publikum” | NIR 3/2017

Case Law from the EU Court of Justice on the Notion of ”Communication to a New Audience”

Strejftog gennem den nordatlantiske ophavsret | NIR 4/2016

A Ramble Through the North Atlantic Copyright Law

Konsekvenser af C More Entertainment-dommen | NIR 5/2015

Consequences of the C More Entertainment Decision

Ophavsretsudviklingen i Danmark siden 2009 | NIR 6/2012

The Copyright Development in Denmark Since 2009

Litteratur | NIR 5/2012


Ophavsretsloven af 1961 – fødsel og levned | NIR 6/2011

The Danish Copyright Act of 1960 – its inaguration and lifetime

1709-ouverturen | NIR 1/2009

The 1709 overture

Tekniske skyddsåtgärder | NIR 6/2005

Technological measures

Litteratur | NIR 2/2005


Ophavsrettens grundbegreber | NIR 6/2003

Basic copyright notions

Ophavsrettens internationale dimensioner – et tilbageblik med fremtidsperspektiver | NIR 4/2003

The international dimentions of copyright – in retrospect with a view towards the future

Causeri i anledning af KODA's 75-årsjubilæum | NIR 4/2001

KODA 75Years - a causerie to its anniversary

Begrebet offentlig fremførelse | NIR 4/2001

The notion of public performance

Internet og det ophavsretlige lovvalg | NIR 3-4/1997

Internet and the choice of law with regard to copyright

Nye beskyttelsetider i ophavsretten | NIR 2/1996

New Periods for Protection in Copyright Law

Nordisk harmoni på ophavsrettsområdet? | NIR 2/1992

Nordic Harmony in the Copyright Field

EF-direktivet om retlig beskyttelse af edb-programmer | NIR 1/1992

The EC Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs

Notiser | NIR 1/1992

News Items

Om kopieringsautomater og fremmed medhjælp | NIR 3/1991

About Copying Machines and External Assistance

Notiser | NIR 4/1990

News Items